Homage to Landslide


art by Emona Ji, grade 10

Oh, mirror in the sky
Show me who I really am
Because my mind plays tricks on me
I see things wrong with myself that others insist aren’t real


What is love?
I’m told it’s there, but I feel it slipping away
Where is it going? Why is it leaving?
Does it arise when I look a certain way or do a certain thing?
Will I have it for myself?
Is it another thing that time’s cruel clock will take from me? 


Can the child within my heart rise above?
He was loved, he was happy
Enjoying the innocence fed to him with a silver spoon
Until he refused it
And allowed a monster inside him to dictate his life
I long to be that child again
And go back to live the life that I took from myself 


Can I sail through the changin’ ocean tides?
Move on from obsessing over what could have been?
Live where my feet are instead of where they could be?
Maybe, but it won’t bring back the years I didn’t


Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Push through my fragility?
Be someone who doesn’t let their mind win
Or let fear take the reins 


Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
Everything is moving too quickly
Evolving too fast
It’s like time speeds up the older you get
For once I need to stop running from it
And finally, catch my breath


’cause I’ve built my life around you
Built my life around an idea of who I wanted to be
Instead of loving every imperfection
I sought to correct them
Until I couldn’t recognize the person staring back at me 


But time makes you bolder
Another year has gone by
Waiting for a decision
Waiting for a grade
Waiting to be happy
I spent so much of it waiting
That I didn’t live
It flew like a falcon, stung like a wasp 


Even children get older, and I’m getting older too
I’m rusted and damaged
But also wiser and seasoned
Too old not to be living, I have to start now
Or I will regret it when it’s too late