She basked under the captivating moonlight
As the chilly evening bit at her nose and cheeks.
The full moon gleamed in the dead of night,
Reflecting off bewitched silvery creeks.
Stars sprinkled across the sky like magical fireflies,
Twinkling in serene blissfulness.
The beaming moon reflected off her eyes
That swirled with the colors of euphoria and wistfulness.
The sky’s sorrowful tears drummed against her glittering pale skin,
Designing a rhythm that made her eyelids fall in peaceful surrender.
The droplets made her feel tranquil from within
As she lay sprawled on the glistening grass in the middle of November.
Now cuddled in a soft and cozy shawl,
She lost herself in the full moon’s enchanting spell.
The tranquility she felt made her vast worries seem small.
Deeper and deeper into the void of starry darkness, she fell.